Cath Kidston Catalogue, has lots of great products for everyone, no matter where you live or what your style! Wherever you're located in the UK, Cath Kidston will deliver, and at the Cath Kidston website you'll find the same selection of top-quality gifts and products as you will find in the Cath Kidston Catalogue and Cath Kidston stores.
Good old-fashioned customer service, and quality products are phrases synonymous with Cath Kidston and, unlike most other UK catalogue companies, Cath Kidston has a physical presence on the high-street too, with several excellent stores throughout the UK and Ireland.
At the Cath Kidston online store you'll find all manner of unique fashion and homeware products, must-have accessories and more; and, of course, very competitive prices. Listed below is just a small selection of what you can now find at Cath Kidston Online Store:
So, whatever happens to be on your shopping list, Cath Kidston makes a great place to begin your online gift shopping, and where you are sure to find almost everything you need, and where affordable prices and distinctive, quality goods are the rule, and not the exception.
Cath Kidston Ltd was first formed in the early 1990's, when designer Cath Kidston opened a small shop in Holland Park, in London. Cath Kidston began her business by selling the vintage-style wallpapers and fabric, and brightly-coloured junk furniture she remembered with fondness from her childhood. The clever re-designs of traditional English country-house styles soon propelled the business to great success.
Gradually, as business began to boom, Cath Kidston started designing her own prints and other products. One of the first of these original Cath Kitson products was a printed ironing board cover, which was practical, quirky and showed off a distinctive floral print. This first design came to symbolise the Cath Kidston look. However, since those early days, the Cath Kidston product range has steadily expanded to include an extensive range of distinctive homewares, as well as women's fashion and accessories. In 2008 Cath Kidston also launched the Cath Kids brand, for children.
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